Mountain View, California
I was in the Bay Area for on-site Google work and had some time to kill before the rest of my team touched down, so I took the opportunity to check out the Computer History Museum. For whatever reason, a lot of the pics I took never got saved — a shame, because computer history is rich with great design. So all I have are those few photos I shared on Instagram.
Funny, I was reading William Gibson's novel Pattern Recognition on the flight here, and one of these makes an appearance in the story.
Model of a 4-story SAGE blockhouse.
Logos spotted on the R2E, from 1973.
Interesting SWTPC logotype.
"Crystal Ball" graphical-display controller, ca. 1963.
Logo for The Muse, Triadex, an algorithmic music generator from 1972.
Old robots. Not sure, but maybe this is where I got the bug to starting collecting them myself.