Personal happenings, updates and announcements. Thoughts I’d like to share. That sort of thing.
Feel like saying hello?
Make ContactWell… still struggling to get these out regularly, despite having all sorts of things I could share if I got my act together. In the meantime, here’s the latest in the same vein as the transmissions that have gone out in weeks previous.
Recent additions to the library:
Growing Up in Alphabet City: The Unexpected Letterform Art of Michael Doret (2024) →
Forecast and Fantasy - Architecture without Borders, 1960s to 1980s (2023), Lugemik and Estonian Museum of Architecture
How to Think Impossibly - About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else (2024) by Jeffrey J. Kripal →
Into the Cosmos (2024) by Stathis Tsemberlidis →
Karla Knight - Navigator (2023), The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon (2024) by Greg Eghigian →
Illustrator James Heimer’s Matinee Idle 3 subscription is now available! The 4-issue zine is “like tv guide, but exclusively for classic horror and sci-fi movies. Over the month of October, weekly issues contain 4 pages of air times, reviews, and artwork celebrating the joy of televised terror.” Find James on Instagram to catch a glimpse of artwork from previous issues.